Thiago Gimenes


Pack of 2 presets

ADOBE - OneDay portrait preset pack by thiago gimenes are a light set of only two presets, carefully crafted and developed over the years to become the backbone of the tools used on thiago’s images.

The success of a preset has all to do with how do you know and control your equipment, the way you consistently expose your images and the message you want to convey with your work. That’s exactly how these presets came to be, and how they helped the photographer to get a fast, consistent and heavy distinct workflow.

There’s 2 presets: one for color images and one for black and white.

“These presets are created with Lightroom 13.1 and compatible with Lightroom 13 and above and Camera Raw 16 and above”

• Lightroom mobile presets included (LR Desktop required for sync)

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Preset 1 - OneDay l Color

This is the one preset to rule then all! After applying it, minor adjusts are needed, mostly some little adjust in white balance (remember to always adjust WB before applying any preset) and crop.

Color: Warm tones overall, neutral greens, slightly orange magentas, blues tending to teal, but a little desaturated. Skin tones are slightly bright (Luminance) and a little tinted to yellow. The reds are a little desaturated for preserving skin tones on situations of over exposure to color lights.

Contrast: Very contrasty, with basic tone adjustments and a slight “S” shaped curve (denser at the bottom)

Textures: Heavy textures, it’s all about identity, it must be showing the person’s features like tattoos, hair style and even body marks, so there’s a lot of high frequency sharpen (Texture adjustment), but none added sharpen on low frequency (Clarity adjustment). There’s also some overcompensation on input sharpness (the one on “Detail” panel), but an adjustment for Luma and Color Noise, to “clean” the image and prepare for the added grain (be careful to adjust the grain when applying in lower or very high resolution files).

When exporting JPEG files, output sharpen is recommended as “Standard” for best results (screen or print).

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Preset 2 - OneDay l BW

This is a preset carefully created to match some works done with digital as long as film cameras, when using the iconic Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to ISO 1600 (always a go-to film).

It is a “false” black and white, because Lightroom still “thinks” that it’s a color image, so the WB and the color adjustments still works (but in kind of unpredictable ways, so you’ll have to play with it).

The preset lends it’s heavy contrast and grainy from the film, with basic tone adjustments that increases the contrast without losing detail in the highlights and shadows. A strong “S” shaped tone curve increases even more the contrast, mainly in the darker regions.

Textures: Heavy textures, it’s all about identity, it must be showing the person’s features like tattoos, hair style and even body marks, so there’s a lot of high frequency sharpen (Texture adjustment), but none added sharpen on low frequency (Clarity adjustment). There’s also some overcompensation on input sharpness (the one on “Detail” panel), but an adjustment for Luma and Color Noise, to “clean” the image and prepare for the added grain.

Grain is the “soul” of this preset, it renders another layer of meaning and almost a tactile sense to the photography, like and old photo on paper. (be careful to adjust the grain when applying in lower or very high resolution files).

When exporting JPEG files, output sharpen is recommended as “Standard” for best results (screen or print).

Thiago Gimenes.

Photographer, curator, photography teacher.
but above all a passionate storyteller.
Speaker at the biggest congresses in Brazil and elected photographer of the year by Inspiration Photographers, at the Golden Lens Awards.


The Masters' Presets